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Bring joy to Gaza's Kids this Eid

Your Donation Will Give them Hope!

With Us, you will Reach the Most Sorrowful and Deprived Children this Eid!

Children in Gaza this Eid are not like other children around the world. They have endured difficult days that left deep marks on their little hearts. Even with the war over, they still carry painful memories and great losses. They have been forced to grow up too soon because of what they have experienced.

Let’s take their hands and lead them on a journey of happiness that will create everlasting memories and lessen their burdens.

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What will we Offer them?

With your effort, we will bring the joy of Eid to 500 children in Gaza, focusing on orphans, the injured, and the neediest.

We will buy them Eid clothes and take them on an unforgettable journey of joy through interactive activities and fun atmospheres that defy the war.

Join us now to help us paint smiles on their beautiful faces.

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What will we Offer them?

With your effort, we will bring the joy of Eid to 500 children in Gaza, focusing on orphans, the injured, and the neediest.

We will buy them Eid clothes and take them on an unforgettable journey of joy through interactive activities and fun atmospheres that defy the war.

Join us now to help us paint smiles on their beautiful faces.

Why is your Support Crucial?

This is an opportunity we may not be able to repeat to gladden a young heart in a hellish spot, as the joy of Eid is a tradition we must all revive.

Hundreds of orphans are waiting for you, and the issue goes beyond mere recreational activities. UNICEF reports that half of the population in the Gaza Strip are children. Today, we cannot stand idly by while the war threatens the mental and psychological health of these youngsters, who face the risk of mental and behavioral disorders in a lifestyle lacking many of the most basic elements of human life.

What happens to them exceeds their ability to cope. With your help, we want to give them a touch of tenderness and love so they do not feel alone in facing the ongoing disaster.

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Why is your Support Crucial?

This is an opportunity we may not be able to repeat to gladden a young heart in a hellish spot, as the joy of Eid is a tradition we must all revive.

Hundreds of orphans are waiting for you, and the issue goes beyond mere recreational activities. UNICEF reports that half of the population in the Gaza Strip are children. Today, we cannot stand idly by while the war threatens the mental and psychological health of these youngsters, who face the risk of mental and behavioral disorders in a lifestyle lacking many of the most basic elements of human life.

What happens to them exceeds their ability to cope. With your help, we want to give them a touch of tenderness and love so they do not feel alone in facing the ongoing disaster.

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What is your Impact when you Join us?

Aside from the immense reward derived from making a deprived child happy this Eid, your donation will leave a significant and unforgettable impact on the hearts of the children of Gaza; you will be the creator of smiles amid misery.

With just $100, you can provide a complete Eid clothes for a child in Gaza, in addition to Eid activities.

When it comes to the children of Gaza, we do not need to think twice. Only a little separates you from many of Gaza’s children. Be with them this Eid and deliver your gift directly… DONATE NOW!

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What is your Impact when you Join us?

Aside from the immense reward derived from making a deprived child happy this Eid, your donation will leave a significant and unforgettable impact on the hearts of the children of Gaza; you will be the creator of smiles amid misery.

With just $100, you can provide a complete Eid clothes for a child in Gaza, in addition to Eid activities.

When it comes to the children of Gaza, we do not need to think twice. Only a little separates you from many of Gaza’s children. Be with them this Eid and deliver your gift directly… DONATE NOW!