Every soul we save drives us to provide our surgical services with boundless expertise. Our story today comes from Idlib Surgical Hospital, where a fifty-year-old lady was successfully treated for a tumor in the carotid artery. This type of tumor is rare and non-cancerous, developing into small tumor cells at the bifurcation of the carotid artery in the neck.
The lady was experiencing symptoms of difficulty breathing, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and a swollen neck. Her life was at risk if left untreated.
Our medical team, led by Dr. Wael Habib, a vascular surgeon, decided to perform surgery on her. This surgery was complex and precise, requiring meticulous planning and execution due to the nature of the carotid body tumor (type 3), involving the carotid artery and the hypoglossal nerve, which are enveloped by the tumor.
Therefore, the surgical team had to navigate carefully around these structures to remove the tumor without causing any harm. The surgery was successful, and the tumor was removed without any complications.
We await the patient’s recovery, hoping she will return to her daily activities in good health. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the hospital staff, including surgeons and assistants, for their care of this rare case, and we wish everyone safety and well-being.