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The humanitarian teams working at the United Nations office in Gaziantep continue their field visits to the social centers supervised and directly managed by the SEMA organization.


The latest of these visits was a field tour by the United Nations OCHA team today to the Bulbul and Sharan centers in rural Afrin, aimed at providing social services to children, women, and all community groups.


The services of these centers focus on child protection, dealing with victims of gender-based violence, and raising awareness about it, alongside legal services.


This is to enhance recovery and social cooperation and to provide a package of humanitarian services tailored for children in need of protection, such as children with disabilities, unregistered children, and other cases requiring humanitarian intervention for support and empowerment.


The UN team was accompanied on their field tour by protection, monitoring and evaluation, and human resources officials from SEMA’s Gaziantep office.


The field tour included quick discussions and exchanges between the guests and the children benefiting from the centers, aiming to hear their opinions on these new experiences of integration and interaction.


The team from the OCHA office also listened to the center’s staff and protection sector workers to closely understand the challenges they face and to strengthen effective dialogue channels as the project approaches its end in October.


It is worth noting that this tour is the third in less than a year.


The OCHA team previously visited the protection team in Al-Bab city a month ago, and before that, a team from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, visited the protection center in Ariha last May. This direct interest in the protection sector by UN humanitarian teams is due to the fact that the protection services provided by SEMA are available alongside medical and relief medical services.

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