The month of Ramadan is certainly a great opportunity to improve our health and start adopting healthy eating habits.
Fasting is indeed an essential mechanism whereby the body heals itself and restores its functionality.
In this article, we shed light on the many health advantages of fasting during Ramadan.
Improved blood glucose control
The month of Ramadan contributes enormously to improving your blood glucose control.
This is because when you fast and abstain from eating, your body begins burning fat instead of glycogen for energy. Thus, helping you with weight loss.
Moreover, fasting gives some of the body’s organs the opportunity to get some rest.
These organs include both the liver and pancreas, which work on making the insulin that controls the blood sugar.
Boosted immune system
The month of Ramadan helps boost the immune system efficiently. To put it more clearly, fasting helps the body save energy by killing old, damaged immune cells.
As a result, the body starts regenerating new cells, which increases the body’s immune-boosting cells.
In a study that was conducted recently, it was found that fasting lowered the white blood cells, which triggered the immune system to start producing new white blood cells.
Reduced inflammation
Research has found that fasting helped reduce the release of pro-inflammatory cells in blood circulation.
During periods of fasting, these cells go into a sleeping mood compared to the cells in the bodies of those who were eating.
In addition, another recent study found that fasting for over 24 hours may reduce oxidative stress in cells.
Moreover, by fasting, we limit our caloric intake, which can lessen systemic inflammation.
Weight loss
Fasting results in the reproduction of ketosis, which is a metabolic state by which the body produces ketones that can be used as fuel by some of the body’s organs instead of glycogen.
This process takes place when the body does not have enough glucose for energy. Therefore, it starts breaking down fats instead of glucose.
Additionally, fasting results in a lower intake of calories, which leads to overall weight loss.

Lowered cholesterol levels
The research found that changing eating habits during Ramadan causes a significant reduction in total cholesterol concentration.
Also, another recently held study showed that fasting that lasted for a period of 3-12 weeks was highly effective in reducing total cholesterol in the body by 2-5%.
Enhanced brain function
There is evidence that fasting can protect brain cells by triggering the body to produce ketones instead of glucose.
In other words, ketones help the brain to produce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a compound that assists the growth of new brain cells.
Moreover, the metabolic, cellular, and circadian mechanisms that are caused by fasting impact the brain in a positive way.
Promotes detoxification
Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, enhances the activity and production of certain enzymes that help in the process of detoxification.
This process also helps in improving the liver’s health, which is one of the organs actively involved in detoxification.
By doing so, the body naturally eliminates toxins and dead and damaged body cells. Thus, cleansing the body and renewing its cells.
However, fasting people should make sure to keep their bodies well-dehydrated before they begin their fast, as this is important for detoxification.
Aids in digestive health
Fasting aids the health of the digestive system because it provides the gut with the time it needs to restore its integrity.
This process is especially key for those who suffer from leaky gut or intestinal permeability.
This condition weakens the gut lining, enabling the toxins to enter the bloodstream.
Therefore, fasting helps eliminate digestive issues and improve overall digestive functions.
Increased insulin sensitivity
Fasting helps increase insulin sensitivity. It was found that high levels of the insulin hormone enable the body cells to effectively use glucose levels. Thus, helping the reduction of blood sugar.
Moreover, fasting results in weight loss which increases insulin sensitivity. Therefore, leading to a decrease in insulin needs.
Decreased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart diseases
Studies have demonstrated that fasting causes an increase in insulin sensitivity and reduces the insulin levels in the bloodstream.
Thus, these important health improvements help diabetes patients. Moreover, fasting leads to better cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Also, fasting assists the overall weight loss, which reduces the risk of many diseases caused by obesity, such as:
- High blood pressure.
- High cholesterol levels.
- Coronary heart disease.
- Stroke.
- Gallbladder disease.
Donate now to help refugees fast during Ramadan
Remember that your donations can help the Syrian refugees and those displaced have better healthcare services.
You can help us at SEMA, a humanitarian, non-profit organization to provide the underserved Syrian communities with the medical assistance they are in dire need of.
Assist those patients with chronic diseases who are most in need of medicines and healthcare facilities.
Thus, you will be accumulating the great rewards of giving sadaqah during Ramadan and also helping refugees fast while maintaining their health.
How can we maintain good health during Ramadan?
We can maintain good health during Ramadan by:
-Consuming a lot of non-sugary fluids to keep ourselves hydrated.
-Avoiding fatty and salty foods.
-Staying away from caffeinated drinks.
-Incorporating all natural values in our iftar meals.
-Consuming vegetables and fruits.
What is healthy nutrition during Ramadan and how can it be?
Healthy nutrition during Ramadan entails consuming different nutritious values and keeping our bodies hydrated.
What are the health benefits of fasting during Ramadan?
The health benefits of fasting during Ramadan include:
-Reducing inflammation.
-Boosting brain function and cognitive abilities.
-Reducing hypertension.
-Detoxifying the body.
-Improving weight loss.